The Cosmic Octave: Origin of Harmony, Planets, Tones, Colors, the Power of Inherent Vibrations
The Cosmic Octave: Origin of Harmony, Planets, Tones, Colors, the Power of Inherent Vibrations Image Cover
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Publisher:Life Rhythm
Genre:Religion & Spirituality
Dimensions:0.50 x 8.75 x 5.50 in
Date Added:2009-11-24
Rating:3.0 (13 votes)
Summary: Mr. Eric Hirschorn's review does a great disservice to this scholarly work. I see that 22 out of 24 readers of his review said it helped them. I would hate to think that so many were missing out on a worthy treatise on how the Universe is mathematically put together. I hope to undo some of his damage with my review.
I have Masters degrees, including Math, Physics and Chemistry. I understand the details of what this book puts forth. I can say with resounding thanks, that all is well, read in harmony, in the Universe and this book goes a long way past other proofs.
What Mr. Hirschorn objects to, a factor that successfully reduces the periodic orbits and frequencies of each body in our solar system, defies many mathematical traditions. The author may not understand the significance of this factor, as we did not understand the significance of Pi for so many centuries.
The fact that the sun, planets and moon stand in the same frequency ratio as the notes on our most harmonic scale is the point, a brilliant one at that. In number theory, a science worthy of the best minds, we seek to understand these relationships between quantities. What Mathematician can explain the Law of Nines in our own number system? Mr. Hirschorn may reduce the studied body of work on that subject alone to mere "ramblings of numerology," our best minds have thought otherwise.
How can one be a mathematician and not a musician? The significance of what we see to what we hear, the frequencies we respond to and how they repeat themselves from DNA outward, are the stuff we were made to understand.
This book takes us further than we have traveled before. Have a great voyage! Once you leave the portal of what we don't want to be true, and travel into the awesome resonance of the Universe and what we see before us, your eyes, heart and mind will be in for so many surprises. Don't miss this one...