Systems Design of Education: A Journey to Create the Future
Bela H. Banathy  
Systems Design of Education: A Journey to Create the Future Image Cover
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Publisher:Educational Technology Pubns
Dimensions:1.00 x 9.75 x 6.75 in
Date Added:2009-02-20
Rating:5.0 (1 votes)
Summary: Bela H. Banathy makes a strong case that all of the movements for educational improvement, restructuring and reform are only efforts at crisis management. Instead, we need to transform educational systems by transcending the current assumptions, envision an ideal system (in the context of the society we are seeking together), and transform current systems in light of that ideal. As with most of Banathy's work, this book will help the reader see things in a new and ultimately more powerful way. Unfortunately, very few people in colleges of education are exposed to this point of view; if they were, things might be quite different. Highly recommended for those who work in school systems, for students of education, and for anyone generally interested in progressive thinking toward public institutions.